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Results from Cheetah Run 2015 2015

4 Mile M60

The result list is ordered by gross results
Gross time: Your time calculated from the start gun signal.
Net time: Your time calculated from the passing of the start line.

Displaying all 5 results
Pl. Name YOB Club/City/Country Cat. Subcat. # Net Gross
1 » William ORIORADN Cork M M60 739 (27:41) 27:45
2 » John QUIGLEY Eagle M M60 796 (28:53) 28:56
3 » Kerry CONSTANT Cork M M60 118 (32:04) 32:37
4 » Tom EGAN Cork M M60 231 (36:09) 37:13
5 » John FENTON Crosshaven M M60 242 (46:27) 47:05