Espoo Rantamaraton / Esbo Strandmaraton 2013

Videos are normally available within 1 or 2 of days after the event. After a few weeks they may be removed to make room for new videos.

Person details


Nimi Joonatan Heinonen
Seura/Kaupunki/Maa Tapiolan lukio
Kilpailunumerosi 190
Sarja Rantamaraton (42,195 km)


Paikkakunta 178
Nettoaika 3:58:22
Bruttoaika 3:58:45
Average pace 05.39 min/km

Split times

Split Bruttoaika Nettoaika Lap time min/km km/h Place
21,1 km 1:58:30 1:58:06 1:58:06 05.36 10.7 226
31,7 km 2:58:47 2:58:24 1:00:18 05.41 10.5 209
Mål 3:58:45 3:58:22 59:59 05.43 10.5 178
