Results from Forssan Suvi-ilta 2013

Marathon Naiset 55

The result list is ordered by gross results
Gross time: Your time calculated from the start gun signal.
Net time: Your time calculated from the passing of the start line.

Displaying all 7 results
Pl. Name YOB Club/City/Country Cat. # Net Gross
1 » Päivi Naumanen Varalan Maratonklubi 55 4070 (3:41:07) 3:41:23
2 » Heli Tanskanen Varalan Maratonklubi 55 4047 (4:10:36) 4:11:11
3 » Ritva Heinonen SÄKVU 55 4103 (4:11:17) 4:11:28
4 » Pirjo Auranen Maskun Kataja 55 4043 (4:26:10) 4:26:51
5 » Tuija Latva Maratonkoulu Pori 55 4424 (4:26:06) 4:27:17
6 » Anneli Kolehmainen Forssan Salama 55 4001 (5:16:42) 5:17:38
7 » Anna-Maija Laitinen Varalan Maratonklubi 55 4118 (5:21:19) 5:22:31